
Avium Aviation GmbH


Boikweg 24

33129 Delbrück



Phone:+49 2944 48 99 60


General manager: Jörg Brinkmeyer

Commercial register: AG Paderborn HRB 11094

Sales-Tax-ID-No.: DE305436637

Tax-No.: 339/5802/3546




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Avium Aviation GmbH endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information and data on its website. Although Avium Aviation data and information regularly updated, a liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded due to the variety of information and the technical characteristics of the Internet. Avium Aviation reserves the right to change or amend without notice the information or data provided. The Regional Court of Hamburg decided by judgment of 12 May 1998 that the content of the linked page if necessary jointly responsible for the production of a link. According to the Regional Court can be obtained by the following note, the Avium Aviation hereby precaution attaches, be relieved of this responsibility:

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